I made a Lego Fall Guys stop-motion film and posted it on my YouTube channel. I also posted the film on Twitter and it was retweeted by The Fall Guys Twitter account. The film is a Lego Animated version of the Fall Guys Ultimate Knockout level called “Doordash”. Watch the animation on my YouTube-channel: https://youtu.be/xxltz-Sb_pE

I made a behind the scenes so you can see how I made it. It took me over 3 weeks to make the film, including building, animating and editing. I made 8 custom Lego Fall Guys characters by drawing iconic Fall Guys eyes on white minifigure heads. I also made a pizza skin I hope Fall Guys will include it in the game in the future. Behind the scenes – Making the Lego Fall Guys – watch it on my YouTube-channel: https://youtu.be/j1WZnwtDSuc